Wednesday, May 30, 2007

So we've come to the end of the semester and it's time to publish my last post. Overall New Communication Technologies has been a useful subject towards my studies.

Admitingly at first I did not like the sound of going to a class where I had to use computers and post blogs about lectures every single week. It was fairly daunting aswell considering I believe myself not to be very computer literate. But after some help from my fellow class mates and our friendly tutor Jules (thanks) I settled into it quite comfortably. I found myself using programs like photoshop and sites like blogspot. Programs I have never used before but by the end of this semester I am quite familiar with. It was also interesting to learn about the history of the computer and its assests in the lectures. I learnt about the birth of the computer, the origin of the Internet, and things like Cyberpunk which at one stage would have seemed to be a foreign language to me. However, at times the lectures seemed to drag on and borderline on boring. There was not enough action or interaction within the lectures which made it hard to retain interest and attention. Perhaps the length of the lecture played a major role in this too. Those are just some slight issues that may need to be reformed but overall the subject is extremely educational. I did like the tutorials aswell because I think it's important to activey engage in what your learning, in order to retain the information given. I learnt alot and I think this will aid to the prgression of my knowledge throughout my time at university!

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